In going along with yesterday's post ...

Hello COW-tty??
yea yesterday they put up cows in Paris so today I'm putting up cows too!
but I could not foresake the Kitty therefore, I'm doing BOTH
: )
So imagine you're walking in PARIS and you see this:
So the Vandals wrote this song about a girl who works at Hot Dog On A Stick at the Westminster Mall in CA.
Hello Kitty Style !
Anchor Man.
About a month ago my roomie got a new dog. She made it her mission to save this thing. Here's what happened. Her friend got it for his girlfriend who wasn't allowed to have it. My roomie, of course, couldn't stand to see the dog go to the pound. So she offered to take it. Well now we have a dog.
Tuesday is now officially Songs that make you Giggle day! (so if you know any songs with funny lyrics send em to me and I'll post them some tuesday soon!!)
Here is a story that was generously donated by my co-worker "Donna"
Two words