This weekend

OH MAN- what an exhausting weekend!
Of course I went to see the boyfriend in San Diego.
Let's see, I got there Friday night and I was already tired from the 2 hour drive.
The boy decided to throw a party that night and while I like his friends, boy was I tired.. By the time we got to bed I had been up 20+ hours and I was about 20 mins away from attacking Richard out f pure tiredness
On Sat I went out to breakfast with cara and some other folks
Cara writes a blog that's cute...
Here is a picture of her cute new puppy! Her name is emily and apparently she doesn't mind having bows in her hair at all : )

I know it's a bit blurry but the cuteness still comes thru.
Other than that I sat around a lot waiting for Richard to get some homework done
However, in my boredom i took a pic of Mr.Starburst
Everyone- Meet Mr Starburst

Isn't he CUUTTTEE?? I got him for richard b/c I really want a kitty and so does richard. We're moving into our new place in about a month now and it allows kitties!! YAY. so you know we'll be getting one ASAP : )
Saturday night we headed over to Music trader and watched The SESS (a local SD band) play for free.. It was a dancing good time- although, again, I was tired.. Hmm maybe I'm getting old b/c I've been too tired lately. EEKK nooo- I'm only 23... there's no way that's old..
Sunday wasn't the best of days at all.. Richard and I were at eachothers throats for a loonng time. Not fun. But the cool things that happened were
1) I got to see cara again : )
2) cara gave me a ffffrrreee microwave b/c our place doesn't come with one.
3) I got to eat Mama Testa's!!

This is the best mexican food place in ALL of San Diego.. and I am not exaggerating at all. I mean the salsa is to DIE for! if you live within a 50 mile radius I suggest you go.
I Love the Gauca Tacos. mmMmmmmMMmm
ooh and I also got to watch Family Guy last night. That's a wonderfully hilarious show.
That's about it for this weekend.
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