Welcome to MONDAY!
Has anyone ever seen the movie Office Space? If you haven't I suggest you do so ASAP. GREAT movie. Pure comedy. I want to be Bill Lumberg- honestly.
I mean I just here myself saying "Yea, um, HI..." hahaha

I need to start wearing glasses like that too.
Any- who
Hope everyone had a great weekend. How was mine you ask?? Well... Let me tell you
Friday I was supposed to head over to my babe's house remember? Well stuff happened and Richard ended up coming to OC to see me : ).
worked our rather well if you ask me. hehe. Angela had people at our houe till around 4 in the morning b/c she was doing a photo shoot for the NAHA awards (
It was fun to see her at work and to hang out with the girls. If I can get some of the pics out of angela, I'll post them but they're in the editing process right now. I hope Ang place

Richard and I woke up early to walk the dog (it was her last day with us b4 she wend home : ( )
Since it was her last day here, I insisted on taking her to the park and getting some cutie photos of her.

After that Richard and I were supposed to play some frisbee golf but we passed out and didn't wake up till 330 (frisbee started at like 3)
I wanted to shop so I dragged richard along with me and before we knew it, we were starving. Shopping was in Irvine and that's pretty close to one of my favorite resturants ever. TACO LOCO or Loco for short. They have to worlds best blacken tofu burger.. And I know I know- you probably don't like tofu BUT even people who aren't fond of tofu think this burger is pretty tastey..
If you live in the So Cal area I definately suggest you try it.

Needless to say the meal was excellent- it was Richards first time there and he really enjoyed the food- YAY!! It would be hard to live with a guy who hated the food that I love.. But we both like the same stuff for the most part. I'm excited- looks like the moving in thing just may work out hehehe
Saturday night we just hung out with ang and her boy Travis (a nice funny guy).. At around 12 midnight Richard and I and Ang had a mega-craving for Rite Aid icream (thrifty brand). Richard and I went on a search for an HOUR for an open store but we sadly unsuccessful.
We ended up just buying some random ice cream at the store
*NOTE TO ANYONE WHO WORKS AT RITE AID: Open a 24 hour store in the FV, HB area!! Plleeaaasee!!
This day was mostly dedicated to Richards essay- BOOOO
The good news is, since Richard was working and needed to be left alone, I decided to go shopping :)
The first stop was at BestBuy to use my giftcards from xmas/bday: here's what I bought: Edward Sissorhands, Big Fish, and Dodge Ball. All for $2 thanks to my giftcard and smart shopping.

Next I stopped at Footies- a shoe store that sells shoes 3 for $25.
I went home watched Dodge Ball and wait some MORE for Richard to finish his h/w
FINALLY at 4 he was done and we fell asleep. We woke up at 730 only to realize that we were supposed to meet/call my parents for dinner at 5. They called 4 times.. wow.. I felt bad
My folks still met with us and we had a wonderful dinner
At 1030Pm my baby left me to go back to SD.
THE END- (wow theyre always longer after the weekend)
who do you spell that dog's name again?
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