Road Trip CA Continued
Our trip started on EARLY thursday morning (5am- an ungodly hour but richard said he didn't mind). We wanted to beat the normal rush hour traffic in LA and we did.. Lettme just say that richard was a complete sweetheart and drove the ENTIRE way b/c i was scared to drive his car.. Our first stop wasn't till we were outside of LA.. It was just a normal rest stop on our way into the mountains.
Then it was on through a big tunnel (where we held our breath OF COURSE). OUr next stop was a scenic view on the ocean. There we met some nice sqirls or chipmunks or whatever they're called.. One jumed on me so I would feed it- that was pretty much awesome. See??

After that we somehow ended up in Pismo Beach at a Butterfly Park. Well a state reserve park but WHATEVER. We saw a BUNCH of birds doing IT- hahaha.. then we walked along the beach looking for sand dollars.. Richard is now guilty of a federal crime b/c he took some home with him even tho i told him not to.. he just 'forgot' they were in his hand.. SILLY BOY. We got some cutie pictures of us on a tree branch and of me screaming and freaking out about how cold the water was : ) (it was sooo nice of richard to bust out the camera while i was DYING in the cold abyss of an ocean- thanks for the help baby)

hmm then we saw some elephant seals and arrived our hotel around 6ish.
Friday was spent at the aquarium. Can I just say I LOVE THE AQUARIUM!!
and here are a few reasons why:
1) peguins
2) Sting Rays
3) HUGE Tuna
4) cutie birds
5) Jellyfish

then Saturday was SF
ooh man we did A LOT that day
We went to the Golden Gate Bridge (where i swear we had a mini photo shoot session haha), a DELICIOUS japanese place, Fishermans warf, got our picture drawn, shopped, then went to China Town (we spent most of our time there shopping around and seeing crazy people), then at the end of the day we tried to find some bar type place to watch some bands but ditched that for a yummy thai meal at the golden gate bridge..

Sunday we drove home. that was an adventure too.. I kept feeling car sick so we stopped often so i wouldn't puke.. my baby was really good about it : )
On one of the stops we hiked to a beatiful waterful.. i'm a good hiker!! i swear hahaha- the waterfall was our second photo session of the weekend... i;m really glad we have a bunch of pictures to remind us of our wonderful vacation together. : )

that was so much fun, baby. it's hard believing we actually did that trip! wow. hehe.
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