Stupid People
What in the WORLD is more frustrating than ignorant, stupid, and just plain MEAN people?nothing.. GGRRRI was at work today when I realized something, I am content with what I do. It's just ONE person that is pushing my button right now.. GRRR.. I can't believe how rude she is. and now I have to email her everyday when I get into work to PROVE that I'm there on time..pisses me off like noo know what i could use right now??BOVINITY DIVINITY!!!!!!!!too bad they stopped making it about hmm 5 YEARS ago..
BOO to that too.. that was my FAVORITE flavor.. you don't even know.. I've written Ben and Jerry's several times requesting that they bring it back.. but just little ol' me couldn't get the job done : (.. hmm if people actually read this thing maybe I could get them to request it and get it back into the rotation!!'s the link to request ANY of b & j's old flavors be put back into stores..moving onhere is my favorite part about this weekend :Vice president Dick Cheney SHOT a 78 year old man.. BWAHAHHAHA
Umm how do you work this thing???WAY TO GOOOseriously tho- I played cards with the fam all day sunday and it was great.. my uncle is THE FUNNIEST : ).. and it didn't hurt that I won 2 out of the 3 games we played heheok must go work out now..byyee : )
Hello Kitty Friday TWO!!
welcome to hello kitty day numero 2YAYso work is really cracking down and saying we can only go on the internet for fun when it's our lunch break.BOO to thatit's just easier to post here b/c my laptop at home is working like a POS right now.. oh wellTonight richard comes up to see me. YAYwe're going to my parents super bowl party on sunday which means we'll both weight like 10 lbs more next week SUPERokay i don't want to be fired sooo ADIOS.. i'll write more from home i guess.
Black History Month
Today starts Black History Month! : )
Okay I'm not some huge history buff or anything but today I was blank on what to write a blog about. I was curious if anything cool happened recently on this day and here is what I was reminded of (and something that I find to be fascinating):
On Feb. 2, 1990, President F.W. de Klerk lifted the ban on the A.N.C. and announced Mandela's imminent release.

Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela is an exteme human rights activist that won the Nobel peace prize in 1993 for his indispensible role in ending Africa's apartheid. I was quite young when this whole thing was happening but I remember bits and pieces of it. Basically Africa was a racially divided state- non-whites had to carry around special identification papers and everything (and of course that's the LEAST of the problems the apartheid caused).
I remember thinking how crazy the whole thing was- my best friend at the time was black and I couldn't imagine why she would be seen any differently than I (especially in the eyes of the government). Well enough about me. I just wanted to say this man is absolutely amazing and is worthy of admiration (hell he was in prison for 5 years facing LIFE there).Here are other African American Nobel Peace Prize winners:

Ralph Johnson Bunche : First African American to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for mediating the 1948 Arab-Israeli truce.
We all know Mr. King. He was the 2nd African American to receive the Nobel Peace Price. That's really all I time to research right now. Perhaps I'll add more later. Have a great Black History month!! : )